Bible Distribution Project

Why does the Church in Mozambique need help in getting the Word of God?

To our knowledge no one is printing any Bibles in all of Mozambique. Most of the churches started by Iris Global (several thousand) are in rural areas where the average person is a subsistence farmer with no cash flow.  There are no stores to even buy a bible, and the cost of getting to the big city at over $5 a gallon, makes even public transportation cost prohibitive for most of them. Importing Bibles is an expensive, complicated, and lengthy process, often taking up to one year to get to the country and then out of customs.  Also, Bibles become a commodity since they are so rare.  This makes them a target and temptation to sell or steal.  But even with all these challenges, Iris Global (whom we work with), has managed to get Bibles into the country for the main leaders and some of the pastors and Bible school students.  

But what about the average church member? Most of them don’t own a Bible or even a portion of it.

Successful Solution!

We feel the Lord gave us this creative idea and now we’re running with it: Make small booklets with just a few books of the Bible at a time. We simply send the files to local print shops throughout the provinces, pay for them though electronic banking, and have local pastors pick them up for easy distribution! 

The videos and phone calls coming in are so encouraging! The believers are so excited to finally have even just a small portion of the New Testament all to themselves.

Goal: Distribute over 20,000 booklets that contain three books of the Bible – the Gospel of John, Galatians, and Ephesians to all the believers in the Iris churches in Mozambique that know how to read but don’t yet don’t own a Bible or New Testament. These booklets also contain introductions to the books, how to have personal devotions with the Scriptures, and how to become a Christian. Our plan is get at least 10,000 out in 2023 and thousands more in 2024. Later we want to make new booklets with other books of the Bible…

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. All your brothers and sisters in Mozambique also send their love and a huge “Thank you!” In heaven you will be so surprised and happy to see the fruit of your prayers and generosity, I’m sure.